Title (Dr/Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other) *
Email *
Forenames *
Surnames *
Address *
Home Telephone Number
Mobile Telephone Number *
Details of any current license endorsements (Penalty points) *
Same Day PLC requires all employees to be vetted at a high level. This vetting will consider spent and unspent criminal convictions, financial circumstances, as well as medical circumstances. Please provide details of any unspent criminal convictions, and any circumstances that may impact upon your ability to successfully achieve a security clearance. *
Have you ever been dismissed for theft, dishonesty, or fraud? If yes, please provide details. *
Have you ever left a company without any notice? If yes please provide details *
The job will require long periods of uninterrupted driving, and includes tasks such as; Lifting and loading items over long periods Changing Tyres On-Site Manual Handling Use of mobile technology Please indicate if there are any restrictions to these tasks, or adjustments SameDay plc could make to enable these tasks to be undertaken during your employment. *
SameDay PLC does not operate to standard or set hours, and so flexibility is required for this role. Start times and shift lengths will vary, and nights out can be required at little to no notice. Are there any commitments or circumstances which may impact on your attendance or ability to operate in this manner? *
Have you previously used a sat nav whilst driving? If so, are you comfortable using one currently? *
Would you have any problems if you were to be booked out into a B&B overnight at little to no notice? *
Are you able to park a Berlingo van or a long wheelbase van at home safely and securely? *
Are you able to park a Berlingo van or a long wheelbase van at home safely and securely? (copy) *
After 6 months with the company, drivers are required to take part in a three-day classroom course to gain their hazardous goods license. Would there be any issues stopping you from partaking in this? *
Please supply the names and addresses of three people – one of whom should be your present/last employer – from whom we may obtain both character and work experience references. (3 Required) *
Education: Please list in chronological order with most recent first, including schools, college & university and the qualifications gained. *
Employment History: Please list in chronological order with most recent first Date of employment, Name and Address of Employer, Start/Finish Salary, Reason for leaving *
Notice Period in Current Position *
Please list here your specific reasons for this application, your main achievements to date and the strengths you would bring to this post. Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary. *
Please declare any family/personal relationships with members of staff currently working within the company / department where you are applying for employment. *
If yes, you will need to produce evidence of your entitlement to work in the UK before taking up your post if your application is successful. *